Colour Gradients

The addition of colour gradients to most areas of the Options theme allows a colour to be set for the top of a page section and a different colour to be set for the bottom of that area. The page then renders with the colour gradually changing from the top colour to the bottom colour.

Colour gradients have been included for the background of the following areas of a web-page:
  • Body
  • Header
  • Container
  • Content
  • Sidebar
  • Navcontainer
  • Menu
  • Menu Button Active
  • Menu Button Current
  • Menu Button Ancestor
  • Menu Button Hover

Colour Gradients and MSIE

Unfortuately, colour gradients had to be removed for MSIE from the background of the "body" and "Page Header" areas because the gradients were overriding the background images. This is the reverse of other browsers.

However, if you want to don't want to use images for these areas and want to use gradients instead the here is the code to paste in the "page Info/Header/CSS" tab. Just replace the" top_colours" and "bottom_colours" with the colours of your choice.

Colour Schemes

Of all the style types that you are able to change probably the most important are the colours that you choose for the various elements of the page.

A poor colour scheme can destroy a layout (No matter how good). So you should take care in choosing colours that compliment each other.

If you are unsure about selecting a colour scheme that looks good then try :